Glenn Jordan (1964-2020): A short tribute

  It is impossible to put into words the feelings of loss, shock, grief and sadness felt with news of Glenn’s sudden death last Thursday. Our hearts and prayers are with Adrienne his soul-mate and confidant; Philippa and Christopher whose maturity inspired him;...

And Now For Something Completely Different

The first four weeks of lockdown were revealing. Introverts were as happy as Larry having been given permission to withdraw, with no pressure to mix socially, and commended for their diligence in self-isolating. Extroverts suffered withdrawal symptoms like drug...

PS…And your lanyard says in God we trust

Larry Norman’s ‘Great American Novel’ is a classic Christian song, prophetically ahead of its time in its articulation of the United States’ claim that Christian values are at the centre of its national life, whilst a litany of truths about power structures and daily...

Another National Crisis

The UK’s criminal justice system has been in crisis for some years – a crisis which has become particularly acute in our over-crowded, over-stretched and under-staffed prisons and probation services. Against this background it was good to hear that the NI Justice...

The Handshake

The handshake is a Presbyterian ritual, as sacred as Psalm singing, sermon preaching and offering collecting. Each Sunday morning with the Benediction proclaimed, I make my way, accompanied by a grand organ voluntary, down one aisle to the vestibule. Then the quick...

These unprecedented times…

…I feel sure that phrase is overused. The world has known physical and economic distress on a grand scale before.  Many people have suffered and died from disease, war, natural disaster; governments have been unprepared and healthcare providers have been...