In Conversation With … Trevor Morrow

Equal to Rule: Leading the Jesus Way. Why men and women are equal to serve in leadership in the Christian Church This event took place on Tuesday 25 November, 7:30pm In May 2014 at the Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly Trevor launched his book Equal to...

Cultivating Still, Small Voices

“After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” (1 Kings 9:12) In October Mark Driscoll, the outspoken Pastor of the Mars Hill “Mega-Church” in Seattle, sensationally resigned...

In Conversation With … David Middleton

Untold Story – the Church in the Middle East Tuesday 23 September, 7:30pm Many of us are overcome by recent reports from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon Gaza and other Middle Eastern countries. As we look on at the sectarian divides and conflicts that are now being exposed...

In Conversation With … Geraldine Smyth

The end of  Memory and Mourning? This ‘In Conversation With …’ took place in Holy Week 2014, providing an opportunity to reflect together on the significance of remembering  and mourning in times of transition. Geraldine Smyth is a native of Belfast,...

P.S. – Assumptions

As part of preparation for teaching a module on ‘Faith and Contemporary Culture’ I’ve been thinking about the myriad number of assumptions inherent within our Western ‘way of life’. By ‘assumption’ I mean an expectation of normalcy: something...