by contemporarychristianity_admin | May 22, 2023 | P.S.
Even the Sparrow has found a home! I am easily distracted these days. Just beside my desk there is a TV monitor where, all the time, I can see exactly what is happening inside a bird box in our garden where I have installed a camera. A pair of great tits has taken up...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Oct 28, 2022 | P.S.
Equality was a value the early church espoused and practiced as part of the gospel. Declaring that ‘there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female’ (Gal 3:28) in a hierarchical and patriarchal society was counterintuitive within the culture of...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Nov 11, 2021 | P.S.
“You shouldn’t need to say ‘I swear’. If you’re a truthful person, then it’s enough to say what you mean and leave it at that. It’s better to be honest and careful with the words you choose, and then people will know they can trust what you say.” As I said these...
by admin | Mar 5, 2016 | P.S.
Colouring in – I had resisted for several years. My gift is writing, not colouring in. It’s childish. Pointless. But I decided it wasn’t any less pointless than social media or surfing the internet. So I gave in, purchased twenty-four triangular colouring pencils and...
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