It is time to say HELLO!

It is time to say HELLO!

It is interesting how unusual or exceptional circumstances can make one acutely aware of things previously taken for granted. The Covid pandemic made us all much more aware of the importance of relationships, or, as we now refer to them, social connections. The...
Our First Love

Our First Love

The gospel injunction to “love our enemies” and “pray for those who persecute us” sits uneasily with modern sensibilities. In politics, such a modus operandi is perceived as weakness and may signal doom at the next election. Even in the Church, the words of our Lord...
Sovereignty & Love

Sovereignty & Love

A number of weeks ago I went to a prayer meeting that began, as almost all such gatherings do, with a time of praise and adoration of God. How we pray spontaneously – the language and the ‘personal liturgy’ that we use – tells us a great deal about who we...
At the Party

At the Party

It happens at social gatherings. First, the (almost) inevitable question: And what do you do for a living? Next, the deep breath followed by the fatal confession: Actually, I’m a Christian Minister, yes, a clergyman, one of those. The reaction varies but quite...


Amongst the many daily demands on time, I am struggling to fulfil a task, which I see as my chief calling at present. For the last twelve years, I have been writing a biography of someone whose life is the best illustration I know of deep human love and committed...