In Conversation With … Maurice Kinkead

Maurice Kinkead has spent the last 25 or so years developing and managing not-for-profit organisations, initially in faith based organisations and more recently with an inter-sectoral partnership. He is Chief Executive of East Belfast Partnership and has...

Come with me: A way of welcome

It’s been one year since I arrived in Belfast. In one year I’ve gone from feeling like a stranger in a strange land to feeling quite at home. I’ve mastered the aisles at the local grocery store, figured out the shortest routes around town, made a few friends and found...

The Other Side

Earlier this month shortly after his installation, the new Moderator of the Presbyterian Church was criticized for using the term “the other side” when referring to Sinn Fein in his first interview on Good Morning Ulster. I don’t want to add to the criticism, as I...

In Conversation With … Matt Bagott

Faith- sufficient for each day! Matt Baggot CBE, Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland was the guest at our ‘In Conversation With …” on Tuesday 19 April 2011. Unfortunately it was not possible to record this event, but the...

Health and Poverty

Can you imagine having to dispose of an asset or investment simply to pay a medical bill? It might be a piece of land, or money that you have set aside to pay for your children’s next term at school. I am writing as one of the privileged few in the world to have the...