The Moving Goal Posts of Retirement

First the good news: you will probably live longer than your grandparents.  Now the bad news: if you are of working age, the Government is requiring you to work for more years before you can have a state pension.  Recent announcements make it clear that teenagers and...

God and Google, Faith and Facebook

Seminar and workshop with Vinoth Ramachanda and Steve Stockman The technological revolution of the past 20 years is still gaining pace – influencing how we buy goods and services, read newspapers, watch TV, listen to music, bank, use transportation and get new...

Creation care and following Jesus

‘… give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’  1 Thessalonians 5:18 The theological and Biblical arguments for Creation Care are strong and are now being clearly communicated within the Evangelical Community.  For example...


I will never forget this day one year ago. Friday 24th June 2016 was a day of shellshock in my office – much more so, in actual fact than 9/11 fifteen years before it. But as we’ve since been told many times ‘Brexit means Brexit’, and for good or ill, that which...