
PS is an email and web-based blog format issued regularly by Contemporary Christianity. The format provides an online space for writers toexplore issues relating to church, culture and life in Northern Ireland, seeking to understand the times through insights from Scripture, theology, reason and the observations that flow from lived experience.

 PS will never claim to have all the answers, but we hope to prompt questions that leave our readers a little closer to the answer at the end of the piece than they were at the beginning.

 Our writers range from well-known names in academia and full-time ministry, to professionals with particular subject matter expertise, to lay people with passion for a subject and a gift for writing.

 You can get involved in conversations by posting comments in the threads below the blogs, and if you’re interested in writing for us, you can get in touch by emailing info@contemporarychristianity.net.

Remembering to do better

This article was broadcast as a Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Ulster on Wednesday 27thJuly 2016 and is adapted and used with permission. On Tuesday in Rouen in France the community gathered to remember an 84-year-old priest murdered earlier that day in an atrocious...

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Untangling the knots of history

I come from the generation where the sound of helicopters whizzing, bombs exploding, and even bullets ripping, provided the soundtrack for our formative Christian years. I remember listening to the RUC band play the death march at a funeral in Dungannon, as the...

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EU: In or Out?

In or out; stay or leave; in favour of Brexit - or not?  The complexities and the unknowns of the forthcoming referendum on EU membership will, unhappily, be boiled down to simple a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote on this question: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the...

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Church Conflict

The poor way we handle conflict within the Church is hurting us and damaging our witness.When we fail to treat each other with love, we are more like a horrible warning than a beautiful example.In my pastoral and mediation roles I see a lot of conflict in churches and...

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Different God – Different People

God is different from us. His thoughts, His ways, His perspectives are different from ours. In fact, He is so different that He cannot be known by us unless He chooses to be known. Everything we know about God is because God has chosen to reveal it to us.  What He...

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True Colours Shining Through …

Colouring in – I had resisted for several years. My gift is writing, not colouring in. It’s childish. Pointless. But I decided it wasn’t any less pointless than social media or surfing the internet. So I gave in, purchased twenty-four triangular colouring pencils and...

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Cultural attitudes to women – theirs or ours?

Cultural attitudes towards women amongst some refugee groups in other countries have been in the news in recent weeks. But such negative cultural attitudes to women are to be found much closer to home. Last October Contemporary Christianity partnered with BMS  for a...

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Check your luggage

This article was broadcast as a Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Ulster on Friday 1st January 2016 and is  adapted and used with permission. While we slept last night and without any assistance from us the earth rotated and a new day is about to dawn and who knows...

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Living in debt or out of debt

Given that the Apostle Paul reminded Timothy that the love of money is the root of all evil, he would not be impressed by our public worship of borrowing and debt today.  The statistics are scary: people in the UK owed £1.452 trillion at the end of September 2015....

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Plumbing the well of unhappiness

In western societies we have pushed back the tide of physical causes of harm to the extent that most achieve the milestone of 80 years of age before dying, with a majority enjoying good health up until their final years. However, the conditions that have been kind to...

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Migrants and Mercy

This article was first published on the Place for Truth website of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and is reproduced with permission. Europe is in the grip of the most serious displaced persons crisis since the Second World War. Pope Francis, on his recent...

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