Welcome to …PS…, an email and web discussion forum from Contemporary Christianity. Virtual and voluntary, we normally issue …PS… once or twice each month.

Next week, look out for a 5 day series of blogs ….

From next Monday, 21 June for five days we will be issuing a daily …PS…blog under the title ‘Reflections on Northern Ireland at 100 years’ . Each one will be from a well-known and diverse range of Christian writers.

The views will be those of Brett Lockhart QC, Danielle Mcelhinney, Wallace Thompson , Rev Cheryl Meban, and Rev Dr Trevor Morrow. With discussion about the future of the whole island very much in the headlines, each of the contributors brings intriguing personal insight to some of the many and complex issues involved, some of which have not been aired to date. Welcome to …PS…, an email and web discussion forum from Contemporary Christianity. Virtual and voluntary, we normally issue …PS… once or twice each month.

Our …PS… blogs (and by the way …PS… refers to PUBLIC SQUARE) seek to “provide informed, credible and practical comment and analysis, rooted in biblical reflection and theological thought” on contemporary issues about faith, church, life and the world around us.

We aim to engage Christian minds with issues in the public square, to inject new perspectives and provoke discussion, and to engage with a wider audience interested in issues of faith and life.

As we relaunch with this series of …PS… blogs, with our new logo, we hope you will find them stimulating and useful. Maybe enable a conversation or two to be started!

We always look forward to receiving comments and responses from our readers, so feel free to feedback.

The Chair of the recently strengthened Board of Contemporary Christianity – Rev Dr Norman Hamilton – comments:” I am delighted that we are able to relaunch …PS… blog at such a turbulent time in the history of Northern Ireland – and indeed of the whole island. We will be drawing on the insight of many Christian people over the coming months and years as we explore some very complex and at times contentious issues from a clear Christian perspective. This is an important subject and a great series with which to get started”.

Please feel free to share with others who maybe interested in receiving …PS…blogs

Thank you, from the Board of Contemporary Christianity