Finding Elpis

Finding Elpis

Romans 12:12 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” As I mentioned in my last blog, in retirement I have been writing the history of my previous congregation, First Presbyterian Church, Armagh. After twenty-eight years of caring for...
Conflicted Ministry

Conflicted Ministry

It is now more than a year and a half since I retired from full time ministry in First Armagh Presbyterian Church. I confess I do not miss the constant pressure to preach at least once a Sunday to the same congregation maintaining biblical truth, as well as relevance...

An Open Letter to Northern Ireland’s Political Leaders

(This open letter first appeared in Steve Stockman’s blog and is reproduced by permission) Dear Political Leaders As you go into intensive talks this week to save the political institutions and our unraveling peace process I want to assure you of my prayers. I...

In Conversation With … Trevor Morrow

Equal to Rule: Leading the Jesus Way. Why men and women are equal to serve in leadership in the Christian Church This event took place on Tuesday 25 November, 7:30pm In May 2014 at the Presbyterian Church’s General Assembly Trevor launched his book Equal to...

Without a vision …

The BBC’s Fergal Keane recently filed a report from South Africa where he recalls how few people, in the closing days of Apartheid, had much hope for the country, most expecting it to be torn apart by a bloody race war. No one imagined that within a decade, South...