Back to the Future?

In Chapter 10 of St Matthew’s Gospel, we find the second of Jesus’ great sermons in that Gospel. He has picked his 12 apostles and he is sending them out with a set of instructions. What does he say to his missionaries then – and now? Firstly, Jesus says that they are...

These unprecedented times…

…I feel sure that phrase is overused. The world has known physical and economic distress on a grand scale before.  Many people have suffered and died from disease, war, natural disaster; governments have been unprepared and healthcare providers have been...

Finding Brexit Hope

EIGHTY YEARS ON On the evening of Monday 2nd September I met a group of Christian friends for a teatime meeting. On our way there we’d been listening to drive time news as we inched through Belfast traffic, with the breaking story being that the Prime Minister was to...

To Cope With Hope

In Northern Ireland, there has been a big increase in suicides since the early-nineties, before the first ceasefire in 1994, rising particularly throughout the period after the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. Many are concerned about the trend, which is often seen when...