by contemporarychristianity_admin | Nov 14, 2023 | P.S.
I am right handed. I use my right hand to write, occasionally to play tennis, golf or cricket, but most especially to drink coffee. Until recently, I assumed I only used my left hand to lean on. Then on 1st May, I had a stroke. Thankfully, I can talk, walk, see and...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Oct 27, 2023 | P.S.
It was just like any other dark, miserable January night for the soldiers on patrol. They were deployed on operations to support the police in keeping the peace in Northern Ireland and their patrol consisted of two armoured Land Rovers. Hunkered down in the back, they...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Oct 23, 2023 | P.S.
In 1990 when I was minister of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cork, I was tidying up a back room when I discovered in a cardboard box a Union Flag, all damp and moth eaten. It may be presumed that this was the same flag which was draped over the pulpit every...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Oct 16, 2023 | P.S.
In a recent article in The Irish Independent[1] the retired Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Diarmuid Martin remarked that he was never prepared for celibacy or singleness; his comment caught my attention causing me to think about my own experience. My early faith journey in...
by contemporarychristianity_admin | Oct 14, 2023 | Events
IN THESE TIMES… FOODBANKS… STANDING IN THE GAP OR IN THE WAY? Churches are the lead agency in foodbank provision as food poverty escalates. Is the desire to help overshadowing a need to protest? Guest Speaker: Lynda Gould Venue: The Ulster University New...
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