Just Living Conference


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

We hear about issues of injustice worldwide: poverty, exploitation, child mortality… but can we really make a difference from here in NI?

What does it mean to live ethically in a culture of greed and commodity?

We we will look at how we can link local and global acts of justice, and how we can take practical steps in our everyday lives to fight against injustice to start a life of just living.

We will look at and discuss how our simple everyday choices can lean towards justice and have a lasting impact on ourselves, our communities and the wider world.



just_living_flier“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

We hear about issues of injustice worldwide: poverty, exploitation, child mortality… but can we really make a difference from here in NI?

What does it mean to live ethically in a culture of greed and commodity?

We we will look at how we can link local and global acts of justice, and how we can take practical steps in our everyday lives to fight against injustice to start a life of just living.

We will look at and discuss how our simple everyday choices can lean towards justice and have a lasting impact on ourselves, our communities and the wider world.