Privacy Policy


Data protection


Contemporary Christianity exists to encourage a biblical faith in a changing world.

Contemporary Christianity is a registered charity in Northern Ireland (NIC100585] and as a Company limited by guarantee [NI37038].

In carrying out our day-to-day activities we process and store personal information relating to our supporters and volunteers. Contemporary Christianity is committed to protecting your privacy. This policy explains how we collect and use the personal information you provide to Thrive Ireland through your interaction with us.

Personal data is data which by itself can be used to identify individuals.

Contemporary Christianity isthe data controller.  The Hon. Secretary is responsible for processing personal data on behalf of the organisation.

Types of data we collect and use

We will collect data directly from you if you wish to support our work, participate in our programmes, or volunteer. The personal data we use may include:

  • Full name and personal details including contact information
  • Bank account details (where you have agreed to support us financially) or alternative details if you are donating Debit/Credit Card, Payroll Giving ,  net, PayPal and  a record of  your donations.  The necessary data will be used for claiming Gift Aid when this is agreed with you by signed documentation.
  • Record of participation (where appropriate) in Contemporary Christianity programmes/activities when  a booking system is used

Providing your personal data

We will seek your consent to process your data when you signup todonate to supportContemporary Christianity, or to register to participate in our programme of activities.

Using your personal data: the legal basis and purposes

We’ll process your data:

  1. Based on your consent to send you information on the work of Contemporary Christianity to keep you informed, give you the opportunity to participate in programmes and provide you with the opportunity to support our work financially.
  2. As necessary for our own legitimate interests e.g. for good governance, accounting and managing and auditing our business operations.
  3. To comply with all legal obligations including when you exercise your rights under data protection law and make requests.
  4. As necessary to perform a contract, or to take steps prior to entering into a contract.


Using your personal data: Special category

Contemporary Christianity may request those associated with it (including but not limited to employed staff, volunteers/facilitators, board members and programme participants) to indicate their religious and/or denominational affiliation. This processing could be carried out in the course of our legitimate activities with a religious aim. The personal data will not be disclosed outside Contemporary Christianity without your consent

Your rights under applicable data protection law

Individuals have the right to access their information held by Contemporary Christianity. Copies of information will be free of charge and will be made available at the latest within one month of receipt. In the first instance information will be provided electronically, but other formats will be considered where appropriate. Please contact:info@contemporarychristianity.netif you wish to access your information or exercise any of your rights detailed below.

Your rights are as follows:

  • The right to be informed about our processing of your personal data
  • The right to have your personal data corrected if it’s inaccurate and to have incomplete personal data completed
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • The right to restrict processing of your personal data
  • The right to have your personal data erased
  • The right to request access to your personal data and information about how we process it

Information sharing and disclosure

We will not sell our swap your information with any third party

August 2020 v.2