Watch Your Language!

It has been noted that economics is an ‘imperialist beast, claiming the relevance of its general approach … to a very wide range of human activities’.1 Thus economic models and language have come to predominate in institutions previously organised in different...

An Interpreter speaks…

What makes a good interpreter? Someone with a mastery of the languages (and cultures) she is working with. Someone who goes behind the speaker’s words to grasp their meaning and who is able to faithfully convey that meaning, not betraying the speaker. Someone...

Racism and the Church in Ireland

I left my office about 11pm after the Prayer Meeting. Some of our church members had stayed behind after the meeting to fellowship. The last two stragglers had gone out a few seconds ahead of me. As I was locking the door I heard shouting coming from the front of the...

Come with me: A way of welcome

It’s been one year since I arrived in Belfast. In one year I’ve gone from feeling like a stranger in a strange land to feeling quite at home. I’ve mastered the aisles at the local grocery store, figured out the shortest routes around town, made a few friends and found...

The Other Side

Earlier this month shortly after his installation, the new Moderator of the Presbyterian Church was criticized for using the term “the other side” when referring to Sinn Fein in his first interview on Good Morning Ulster. I don’t want to add to the criticism, as I...

A little fame.

So … another round of honours awards. Does it matter? There are those who would wish to reform and rename the UK honours system. They argue that giving top honours to business, military, diplomatic and civil service big-wigs and entertainment celebrities is an...