Mortgages, Mammon and Buy to Let

Many years ago, as a teenager, I recall talking to an elder in my local church, prior to the 1987 General Election. Pondering on the choice the UK had, his outlook seemed driven by naked self-interest: “I really don’t care who gets in, so long as I don’t have to pay...

Good Marx, Bad Marx

About 15 years ago I did a clear out of my books about Marxism. These were not quite consigned to the dustbin of history but rather the attic or the charity shop. I now see that I had made a mistake. Marxism remains the official “creed” of the world’s biggest nation...

The Moving Goal Posts of Retirement

First the good news: you will probably live longer than your grandparents.  Now the bad news: if you are of working age, the Government is requiring you to work for more years before you can have a state pension.  Recent announcements make it clear that teenagers and...

Creation care and following Jesus

‘… give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’  1 Thessalonians 5:18 The theological and Biblical arguments for Creation Care are strong and are now being clearly communicated within the Evangelical Community.  For example...


I will never forget this day one year ago. Friday 24th June 2016 was a day of shellshock in my office – much more so, in actual fact than 9/11 fifteen years before it. But as we’ve since been told many times ‘Brexit means Brexit’, and for good or ill, that which...


The first time I stepped foot on Northern Irish soil was a few days after our wedding almost 25 years ago. We had spent some days in London after getting married in my native Sweden, and having previously lived in London, I thought Belfast couldn’t be that...