Grace in the cracks

The last time I contributed a PS blog was in June 2016. Back then, I wrote about how the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland had appointed a Task Group to look at how the denomination had responded to the troubles.One thing led soon to another. The...

Grace in the cracks

The last time I contributed a PS blog was in June 2016. Back then, I wrote about how the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland had appointed a Task Group to look at how the denomination had responded to the troubles. One thing led soon to another. The...


In mid-September 2019 Northern Ireland will reach a significant milestone in its history. It’s one that seems highly unlikely to attract any of the attention of our decade of centenaries, the 100th anniversaries of the Home Rule crisis and Ulster Covenant, the Easter...


Are evangelicals and evangelism on a slippery slope – even a slide into a cultural no-man’s land? The answer, I suggest, is a definite maybe! Maybe evangelicals have become so obsessed with issues of sexuality, gender and ‘traditional’ values...

The Good Friday Generation writes…

On April 10th 1998 I was an almost one year old baby living in Johannesburg, South Africa; a country recovering from the Apartheid; a system of institutionalised racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. As a one year...