In Conversation With … Warwick Smart

On Tuesday 13 October, Warwick Smart looked at “The Babylonian Myth of Redemptive Violence … fighting for peace”, discussing perceptions of accommodation and compromise as well as pacifism. Warwick is originally from South Africa, where he was a...

In Conversation With … Mike Wardlow

On Tuesday 9 June, Mike Wardlow posed the question “Does the Christian church have anything distinctive to bring to current local education debates and institutions?” The audio from his talk has been synchronised with the slides he used that...

The Ancestors

There is a chilling novel entitled Disgrace, written by J.M. Coetzee (Coetzee JM, Disgrace, Penguin Books, 1999), which is set in post-apartheid South Africa. The book centres on David Lurie, a white one time professor of literature whose life has, for a variety of...