In Conversation With … Philip McDonagh

On Tuesday 18 January, Philip McDonagh looked at the subject of “Northern Ireland – Subvention City Or Still A Special Case?” What mechanisms determine the level of public expenditure here? Are they linked to need? Why is public expenditure so high?...

“We Didn’t Know”

In a recent interview with a national newspaper the Israeli writer and journalist Gideon Levy said that the reason he tries to tell the truth about how bad things are for those living in Palestine is to prevent a situation in which people in Israel could say “we...

We are what we do…..or are we?

An understandable response to a loving God is to seek to do things which we think will demonstrate our gratitude for being included in His family. To be able to tick off achievements and successes on a list makes us feel good and comforts us that we are indeed...

How Much More Is Enough?

‘How much more is enough?’ was one of the many perceptive questions asked by Marva Dawn during the weekend she spent with CCCI in November 2006. The Bible gives us God’s perspective on life, the universe and everything. It begins and ends with big pictures about...