In Conversation With … John Kyle

This season our ‘In Conversation With …’ events are on the theme of faith and politics in Northern Ireland. In the first of the series John Kyle spoke on the theme: Where Faith and Loyalism Collide 17 January 2012 John Kyle is a General Practitioner...

Lads’ Mags: the New Topsy&Tim?

In the light of a recent study conducted by the Universities of Surrey and Middlesex which found a disgustingly close resemblance between the material produced by lads’ mags and direct quotes from convicted rapists it is important to consider the implications of the...

Watch Your Language!

It has been noted that economics is an ‘imperialist beast, claiming the relevance of its general approach … to a very wide range of human activities’.1 Thus economic models and language have come to predominate in institutions previously organised in different...

In Conversation With … Sean Mullan

The series of Contemporary Christianity events looking at economic issues continued with a chance to hear about a creative outreach initiative in response to the economic situation in Dublin. Sean Mullan talked about Faith and the Social Economy: A Dublin Perspective....