In Conversation With … Philip Orr

Our 2014 series of In Conversation With … events focuses on Faith and History. Remembering 1916 In 2016, there will be centenaries for the Somme and for the Easter Rising. How will these two events from deep in our collective past be remembered in just over two...

Lawyers: Who Needs Them?

I found myself asked recently to give a talk to Christian lawyers entitled: ‘Does God Love Family Lawyers?’ The title hinted at the anticipated ambivalence of the likely analysis. The short answer – ‘yes, but not all your fellow Christians may be so sure…’, set...

Welcome – Failte!

Romanians and Bulgarians can now come and work here unrestricted and there are   concerns about how some of them may abuse the benefits system and about the additional burden on our already creaking public health services. The Romanian Foreign Ministry has claimed...

Wolves and lambs stories

Each Sunday Renata Hughes sings in the choir in First Armagh. She is 83 years old. On the surface Renata appears as the typical Presbyterian choir member. However Renata grew up in Germany before the second world war. She was a member of Hitler Youth. Her father...