Is being judgemental the deadliest sin?

I recently heard a sermon on Romans 14:1-10. The preacher spent most of the time giving examples of  how judging others, very often for trivial matters, had harmful consequences for the persons judged. The sermon ended with a brief discussion of Romans 14:10,...

Meant to Mentor Men?

I once heard it said that there are two great learning institutions in Belfast: One being Queen’s University; the other Queen’s Island – the East Belfast shipyard megalith that built the likes of the “Olympic” and “Titanic”. However, if you are a young Protestant man,...

Who is my neighbour?

We are watching scenes of suffering, devastation and despair on our TVs, and in our living rooms. And we respond in different ways. We might switch off the horror or change channels (being spoilt for choice). Or we grow immune, moving into a “death with dinner” mode...