The Multi-sided Public Square

Truth and mercy have met together. Justice and peace have kissed. (Psalm 85:10) “Christians frequently differ on important issues, and it is a mark of spiritual maturity if they handle those differences creatively rather than engage in damaging verbal warfare.”1...

Peace on earth?

For many months, and especially in the last few weeks, we have been seeing the war in the Middle East and its horrible effects being reported almost daily on our TV screens and in our newspapers. I can barely watch the news now. I feel helpless, angry and even guilty...

Ain’t gonna study war no more …

The 2016 Catherwood lecture was given by Alan and Elaine Storkey on 24 November 2016. The accumulation of power by arms companies and the influence of militarism have continued for over a century. The time has come for people of faith to address these issues and to...

Resisting without imposing

In the 1980s Lesslie Newbigin argued that the modern multicultural worldview simply did not have the resources to stand up against absolutist worldviews. Sadly the rise of radical Islam and the results of the EU referendum and US presidential election seem to be...