Clouds – maligned and ignored!

I admit to not appreciating clouds – we simply have too many of them in this corner of the globe – although we had a welcome cloud-free few weeks in May this year.  Sunlight is usually in short supply; plant and crop growth are hugely dependent on it.  It’s a very...

The right to free speech

In 2012 a furore erupted across South Africa following the public exhibition of a painting by a ‘white’ South African artist, Brett Murray. Expressing a strand of public perception relating to the numerous scandals surrounding Jacob Zuma, the current President of...

Living as a minority.

Nepal’s new Constitution, adopted on 20th September 2015 established it as a secular state and provided freedom to profess and practice one’s own religion. The Constitution prohibited changing one’s religion and so any activities considered to be encouraging a person...

How to vote on Thursday

(Note: This PS was originally published on Steve Stockman’s blog Soul Surmise and is used with permission.)   I am a roving voter who takes serious consideration of a range of issues before deciding who to vote for and in what order. Well, actually I vote...

Inviting the black dog into the room

In recent years there has been an explosion in ministry specifically to men. Breakfasts, outings and weekends away for men are now commonplace on the menu of many churches. Alongside this phenomenon statistics show a growing mental health crisis amongst men in this...