Birthday Blues

  At the beginning of its 70th year the NHS has hardly got off to the happiest of birthdays what with 12 hour waits to be seen at A&E departments, patients yet again lying on trolleys in corridors, cancelled elective surgery and staff leaving their jobs in...


What has Jimmy Carter to do with Pat Robertson? Both would name themselves evangelicals, but it would be a very broad church indeed that could accommodate them. David Bebbington came up with perhaps the most credible definition of the evangelical movement in his...

Thursday: The Spaces Between

Harold Wilson once said ‘a week is a long time in politics’. On this basis it seems like the Reformation happened almost an eternity ago, yet we live daily in its wake. While the Reformation began in the cloisters and the Church its spirit quickly spread...

Wednesday: Surveying the Landscape

Evangelicalism is my family – it always has been. Along the way I’ve been part of a couple of Brethren churches, I’ve spent seventeen years leading a non-denominational, evangelical international church in Switzerland, and I pastored a Northern Irish Baptist Church...

Tuesday: What does the Gospel have to say to Power?

In 2017, post-modern distrust of authority is well-acknowledged and understood. All that lies between those who wield power and their destruction at the guillotine of public opinion is the capacity of social media to channel rebellion into Tweets and Facebook shares,...