Border Crossings


Borders can be lines on a map, razor wire in a field or walls in a city. But we can build borders in our hearts and minds that are every bit as real. Sometimes, we build our borders to defend our faith against a hostile and unbelieving world.

In his book of daily readings we reflect on Luke’s story of Jesus as he invites us on this journey of discipleship.

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Borders can be lines on a map, razor wire in a field or walls in a city. But we can build borders in our hearts and minds that are every bit as real. Sometimes, we build our borders to defend our faith against a hostile and unbelieving world.

The people Jesus came to had built borders around their faith to keep it pure and acceptable to God. But Jesus told them that God did not approve.

Jesus, the holy one of God, shattered the boundaries set up in defence of faith. He took his holiness to the despised, the compromised, the marginalised, the failures and the faithless. In every encounter he made known the boundless grace of God and made present the kingdom of God.

Have we built boundaries? Do we need to hear again the challenge of Jesus, the boundary breaker? Will we control and confine the grace of God? Or will we follow Jesus as he challenges us to follow him across the borders?

In his book of daily readings we reflect on Luke’s story of Jesus as he invites us on this journey of discipleship.

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